Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Luna Bars and Random Thoughts

Say whaaaa????

Right. So as mentioned yesterday, I was having a minor meltdown due to the fact that my computer was having major difficulties. (That's what the 21st century will do to you.....)

The Internet would stay connected for 5 minutes, then disconnect, then connect again....over and over and over. I clicked every button there was I surveyed the situation, abandoned hope, published my post, and turned off the evil machine.

Later that evening, I see Reibs working on the computer (not to mention it's working really fast!), without a problem.

*Rolls eyes* Computers really do hate me.

I take credit for adjusting the Internet receiver's position when I went into the kitchen.

Now, here I am, writing one of my favorite posts of the week....WIAW! Also mentioned in yesterday's post, I took no pictures of any meals this week!

Luckily the theme is Sensible Snacking. :)

*Quick Story*

Last week I was quite distraught over the fact that I couldn't seem to find my precious Chocolate Chunk Luna Bars at any stores! (Me? Drama Queen? Never!).

Mom and I were out into town, and we came across a small grocery store called "Natural Foods." We browsed around, and while being mesmerized over the crazy-sounding health foods (live natural sprouted seed bars? Huh?), I came across the manager's choice marked-down shelf.

Lo and behold, the Luna Bars were on it! Nooooo!

*Flash forward* <----never shoulda left that island

Yesterday, we took a "quick" trip to Target....and looky what I found on the shelf.


I contained myself and did not blurt out, "Yes!" while giggling in front of the pharmacists. I am a composed young woman.

I think it's obvious that a recent snack was a Choco-Chunk Luna Bar.

They're very yummy accompanied with a glass of milk or Java.

Perhaps Professor Trelawney can read my coffee grinds...

Also purchased at Tarjay:
Mixing print with solids....crafty!

Okay, I must admit - this is super (pun intended) addicting. Like, when J and I saw it, we jumped up and down and squealed with excitement. We could be related.

Methinks I have a crush on Lego Robin.....I always like the sidekicks.

Though, Christian Bale Batman is pretty attractive.......
Holy Batman, Batman!

Anyhoo, after playing Lego Batman for three two one hour, my love for Just Dance was rekindled!

Lerv it. 

Other random events:

I will ignore the Buzz Lightyear towel in the background.

 Don't let that smile fool you. Pure. Terror.

Anyone else watch this show?
 Other random snackages:

Serving size was not done justice with this picture.

Happy Hump Day!


  1. I LOVE Luna bars but I haven't seen that one yet!! I feel like I am majorly missing out!!!Must.Find.Soon.

    I also have the same bikini top you got! I just pair it with some basic black bottoms.

    1. try a whole foods in your area if possible!

      and i love the bottoms so i also got a black pair to go with my other tops. :)

  2. I've only tried Luna Protein, as the Luna bars always sounded not-so-good to me (I imagined them as cardboardy rice krispies). That looks delicious, though, I'll have to give them a go!

    1. well, it depends on what flavor you get. i find the peanut butter cookie flavor a bit too dry. and i love luna protein!

  3. I really wish i could get luna bars in the UK! i try and stock up when i visit the states..but they never last long enough...wah :(

    1. man, what a bummer! could you order them in bulk online?
