I've had lots of fun taking pictures of some of my eats this week, I've had more time to think about it because I don't have school taking space in my brain. :)

Kashi waffles have officially joined my favorites list - a very un-Jessica breakfast. I can't believe I'm growing kind of tired of oats, dare I say it. A big, hot, hearty bowl of oats is just not appealing on mornings that it's 70 or 80 degrees outside.
Waffles paired with a nectarine, melty sunflower butter, and a sprinkle of cinnamon is absolute perfection for a summer breakfast.
However, warm weather also calls for big bowls of pillowy, chewy, perfectly chilled bowls of overnight oats. The banana, cinnamon, and peanut butter combo is always, always a favorite (next to Chai-spiced pear!).
Creamy and dreamy....
Mid-morning snacks have been involving almond milk as a post-run snack/hydration. After a run one day, I got to hang out with my Frogg-Togg and sip down some dark chocolate almond milk, aka my two best friends. I attempted to take a decent selfie for this post, but quickly gave up on that plan. ;)
I think the last one is the least weird/creepy. The one above it is definitely sketchy.
Back to food, my favorite lunch always involves a big 'ole salad. They're light, refreshing, and filling, and I love overflowing the bowl with veggies.
The usual mix: lettuce, turkey, salsa, sundried tomatoes, carrots, salsa, roasted pepitas, and chunks of Mom's homemade bread.
But when the fridge is low (read: has none of) my favorite toppings, I have to shake it up a bit. :) Yesterday I had a salad of green-leaf lettuce, sliced barbecue chicken from zee deli (so good), orange+green bell pepper, and roasted pepitas. Whole wheat tortilla on the side.
Yummy lunch; but I wasn't that satisfied so I grabbed an apple for a fruit component, and a couple of pieces of dark chocolate I had stashed in my room.
Summertime means...poolside snacks! Grab-n-go bars never fail me.
As I was munching on my Clif bar, I was brainstorming other snack ideas. Hummus with carrots and red pepper slices sounded so appealing after swimming for a couple of hours. Or frozen grapes, mmm. Maybe new summer snack favorites?
I've gotten really lazy with dinners because I don't really like taking the effort of actually making something after a long day outside, so most of my meals are quick, easy, and always delicious. No TV dinners over herr. Wraps/fajitias/tacos are normally my favorite go-to "I don't feel like applying effort" meals.
This salmon fajita was possibly the BEST fajita I've made in a loooooonnnnnnggggggggg time. And I made it in like 4 minutes!
I heated up a piece of leftover salmon, stir-fried some frozen veggies, chopped up a little raw bell pepper for crunch, and added a few cubes of mango for a tropical addition and punch of flavor! Topped off with a spoonful of greek yogurt.
Heaven in a tortilla, I tell you.
A new favorite is this Trader Joe's Pesto-Margarita Pizza (or something like that...I threw away the wrapper before I could remember the name!). De - li- cious. I forget how much I love pesto until I actually have it!
Subbed an apple for a salad because our veggie drawer is running low. D'oh!
New favorite midnight nightly snack - banana peanut butter chocolate smoothiiiieeeee.
Yup. Eaten drank drunk? in bed. Livin it up.
Have a wOnDeRfUl WeDnEsDaY!
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