Happy Monday, loves!
I had a lovely weekend to round out spring break and get me ready for schooool. So close, so close.
I took it pretty easy Friday and Saturday, as my lower body was still more sore than usual. I guess I don't work my butt really hard that often - in the strength way, I mean. ;)
Friday: Mom, Reibs, Jonathan, and I headed out to see Wreck It Ralph at the dollar theater (oh yeah). It was just okay, but still really cute.
The rest of the day was just chillaxin'.
Saturday: I did literally nothing active. It was fantastic.
I wasn't feeling too great, so I sat on the swingset for some Vitamin D therapy (this girl's gotta have sunshine!) - then went inside and promptly took a 2.5 hour nap, which was superb and totally did the trick.
Just a little while after I woke up, Mom and Dad went to a Third Day concert!!!!!!!!!!! Not gonna lie, I was pretty jealous.
That left me, the bro, and the cats all by our lonesomes for a bit.
I don't think the cats minded. ;) I did actually make some time to do some She Reads Truth (#obsessed #inlove #God'sWord) and make a dinner of champs.
No joke - I have been craving sweet potato, it might be my favorite starchy veggie. Especially French-fry style w/ cayenne pepper, mmmmmm.
I'm pretty sure Jon and I sat for 3 hours straight watching Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman reruns (quality television, people), but after the 2nd hour your eyes get a little fuzzy.......
Sunday: Woke up before everyone else to marvelous coffee in our fancy schmancy new pot + overnight oats. It was good way to start the day!
I finally got to have OIAPBJ - oats in a peanut butter jar! It's always gone before I can steal that last few bites for myself. ;)
After church, we were planning a hike or strawberry picking, but neither got done because of the rainy weather. Boo!
I ended up just doing a strength workout that did not challenge my arms at all but definitely worked my lower body cuz that's how I roll, yo. I've been looking for more challenging upper-body stuff because my arms are, frankly, too strong for the 5lb dumbbells (that I've used since I started out), and I don't own dumbbells heavier than that. I'm proud that it's time to step it up - means I'm getting stronger!
Laziness ensued after that, but we all know it was in a good way.

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