Sunday, January 5, 2014

Bumming Out

Aaahhhh it's Sunday, guys!! I hope you all have had a wonderful, relaxed, and joy-filled break - but it's back to the real world (aka school) for me tomorrow.

So I've accomplished literally nothing this weekend. I took two complete rest days, which frankly, I needed. The only form of exercise I got was cleaning my room. Sometimes you just need to throw on some fuzzy socks, cuddle up, and lounge around for a couple of days. :)

I went to see another movie on Friday, this time the Secret Life of Walter Mitty. Personally, I loved it. I thought it was really heartfelt and inspiring - my main comment is that's it's definitely a unique, independent film and is probably an acquired taste. I just happen to love movies like that!

For doing "nothing" for two days, I felt surprisingly productive on Saturday! Mainly because I got this random bout of OCD and commenced to complete every single chore in the house. I even ironed like 16 shirts for my dad while mom and I watched a marathon of the Twilight Zone.

Wow, I just sounded really lame there. At least I had motivation to do something. 

What's even more lame, is I got addicted to a show that my friend and I found on Netflix -

You guys, I friggin love this show. We watched 4 episodes on Netflix (and this is after seeing the movie), and when I got home, I spent the rest of my Amazon gift card on Instant Video episodes!!!

And I may or may not have stayed up until 2:30 watching it this morning. Psh.

Okay, so I don't sound like a total bum/old lady/cat lady, I do have some fun stuff coming up!!!!

One of my resolutions this year was having a workout buddy once a week, and one of Leigha's (from Minougirl - check out her adorable blog!!!) was to do more yoga - so we thought it would be a great idea to combine the two and do the 21 Day Yoga Challenge together!

I am so excited for this - it's a challenge that offers a yoga video/instruction every day for 3 weeks. We're going to start with Beginner, mainly because neither of us have much yoga experience. I can't wait to see results/changes in how we feel, emotionally, mentally, and physically! I'll do my best to post about it as often as possible, but check Instagram for daily updates. :)

Plus, now that it's on the Internet and I have a buddy, I have a lot more motivation and accountability to do it - it will also help with keeping up with my training plan!

Well I just found out that school is delayed for two hours, which makes me a pretty happy gal! Maybe I'll get my yoga and workout in before school!!!

Have a wonderful rest of the evening!!!! 


  1. Hooray for two hour delays! I don't have one, but we had a snow day on Friday, so I guess that's fine too ;)
    Rest weekends are always wonderful, because you feel recharged for the week ahead! The 21 Day Yoga challenge looks like it will do a lot of good for the body and soul. I don't know if I'll do it right now, but I'll keep it filed away!
    Have a great week, Jess!

    1. We actually have the entire day off now (and probably tomorrow too!!), and I'm guessing it has to snow/be icy A LOT in New York to have school cancelled!!
      Yep, this rest weekend was awesome and the cold weather is making it really hard to have any sort of motivation to move from the couch. ;)
      I'm super excited about yoga, as I've never consistently stuck with it before. Definitely keep it in mind - I'd love to see what you'd think of it!! Have an awesome week too, girl!

  2. Yayyy I'm so excited to start yoga! :)

    NO SCHOOL for me tomorrow! :p hehehe

    1. Aahhh me too!! Lucky you lol! Southerners are total wimps because whenever there's a threat of serious cold (not even ice or snow, just cold), we either get delayed or cancelled.

  3. That yoga challenge looks like a lot of fun! I'm going to try and do it for at least some of the days (: Sometimes we all need a few good old lazy days. My weekend has literally been the laziest weekend EVER but it was much needed. I'm anxious to go out now though- and I can't! The temps are so low that they've canceled school today and tomorrow! Wahoo extended break!

    1. Yay for breaks!! I just found out that we also have tomorrow off (although I'm sure your weather is waaayyy worse than mine!). I'm getting a little stir-crazy as well...I did a home workout today but was still itching to go outside. And you should totally do the challenge!!! :)
