So it's Monday and I'm tired. Like really really tired. As in I practically fell asleep the second half of the school day, and then got home and took a nap and now I've been laying around doing nothing and I'm still tired.
SoOoOoO I know I'm a tad late (per usual), but I wanted to squeeze in a MIMM!!!!!!! Cuz every day, even exhausted days, should be maaauuuveelous.

Marvelous is....I ordered a Kavu Rope Bag! I got the Chestnut color because I thought it would go with the most things, but there are a ton of other patterns/colors that I love. I got it mostly to use when I go on hikes/long walks, but I know it will be used a lot more than that.
Marvelous is......I ordered the the Beginner Program from Do Yoga With Me. I've been wanting to incorporate more yoga into my fitness routine now that I'm taking it easier. It'll give me a goal and a commitment, which I love!
Marvelous is....things are going well on the "toning down the fitness" front. Friends, it's been over a month since I've run/done any sort of hard cardio, and I feel so good. Like, great. My body totally needed a break, and I don't see my routine (or lack thereof) changing any time soon.
Hiking and walking are totally my loves at the moment. Gah, my favorite part of the day (besides breakfast).
MArvelous is.....things are already fitting - snugger. I was a little weirded out at first, but as I've said before, you get used to it!!! Mostly in my thighs and hem hem...chest region. (Erm would it be weird to say yay? Yes? Oh well!)
Awko-taco bathroom selfie! Also, I really liked this outfit....
Marvelous (and not so marvelous).....I've been job searching (!!) for something over the summer. Reibs just got a job at a Youth Camp that is no longer hiring, so I am looking feverishly for something like that. I thought about the Y but...not hiring. And everything else you have to be 18. Pray for meeee!
Marvelous is....White Chocolate Peanut Butter. Need I say more?
Marvelous is.....big, fluffy, voluminous, bowls of oats. I love breakfast!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Marvelous is...babysitting sweet kiddos. I especially love watching them in the spring/summer when we can play outside.
I hope you all have had a wonderful, wonderful, Monday!!! See ya laaatteerrr gators.