Marvelous is.....extra sleep (and coffffeee)!
The first half of Saturday was eat, sleep, eat again, sleep again. I woke up at 8:45, which was as late as I could make it!! Sunday I woke up at 8 but forced myself to stay in my warm, cozy bed until 9.
Marvelous is...breakfast in my PJ's, in front of the television, on my couch.
Need I say more?
Marvelous is....pear 4 ways!
Pear season is upon us, and I have jumped in full-force. Mom grabbed a bag of organic bartlett pears from Trader Joe's, and I therefore proceeded to make 3 consecutive breakfasts from them, and one freaking delicious dessert (one day I'll put up the recipe, promise!).
Marvelous is...fall is finally here!!
Marvelous is....new clothes!
Granted, they aren't fall-fashion clothes yet, but Mom went out and picked me out a couple of cold-weather running outfits! A) So cute. B) I won't have to re-wear the same pair of yoga pants every day. C) They made the rest days a wee bit harder to get through! Thanks, Ma.
Marvelous is....fall activities.
Saturday evening, Mom took us to the corn maze where we met up with my sweet friend!
Marvelous is....gathering around the campfire to keep warm.
We all cuddled up by the campfire in the freezing cold (seriously, its was in the 30s), roasted marshmallows and hot dogs (for the boys) and made s'mores. 'Twas a wonderful night indeed!
Adios, amigos!
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