There's a meet tomorrow! (Hmmmmm you thought I was going to say the weekend is coming. That would indeed be true if weekends existed in my life right now. Notcomplainin'.)
My coaches worked our BUTTS OFF this week, with sprints and trails and hills and weight room circuits and planks...oohhh the planks....but this makes me feel even more ready for mañana! It's a flat, fast, and familiar course, so my expectations for myself are higher than the last two (coughcough PR coughcough). Luckily yesterday and today were super easy runs.
(Note: my settings and pics are kind of blah. Apologies - aesthetics aren't at the top of my priorities at midnight o' clock and the crack of dawn...only yumminess. :))
One morning was a
Waffle, warm apples and cinnamon, waffle, warm apples and cinnamon, topped off with a glob of natural peanut butter.
Running-late breakfast: thick chewy delicious (aka bottom) half of a whole wheat bagel, banana, peach, peanut butter, and cinny-mon. Coffee and soy milk creamer x2 on the side.
Mmmm...carby cinnamony peanuty goodness.
Hot oooooooaaaaaaattttttssss. I've only had hot oats once in two weeks! Who am I?!
This darling bowl was 1/3 cup oats, 1 cup almond milk, 1/2 banana, chopped peach, cinnamon and nutmeg, dash of salt, and, of course, peanut butter. It was a bowl of sunshine.
Obviously I eat lunch at school and have to have snacks, so here's a look at what I've eat to fuel me morning through pre-practice.
Typical lunch: turkey+veggie+hummus wrap, side salad (dressing already on), an apple, and something extra just in case I'm still a little hungry. That day was a homemade granola bar, mmm.
Chickpea salad. Chickpeas, brown rice, canned tomatoes, carrots, dressing (olive oil+lemon juice+salt+pepper+paprika) on top of spinach.
Along with my lunches, I pack a bunch of snacks to munch on because I'm hungry at least three times during the day. Here I had trailmix (pre-practice), an apple, a clementine, a homemade granola bar, and a dark chocolate coconut Kashi bar.
Here we have a turkey+hummus+veggie wrap, carrots, an apple, and salsa for dippin' (lunch). I also through in an Uber Larabar (midmorning), a half a Clif Bar, and trailmix (pre-practice).
Cassie's penne rosa pasta with shrimp that I'm completely obsessed with - I had this the night before a race. Carbing up, yo.
One night after a particularly tough practice, my stomach needed something light but also packed a nutrition/protein punch - quinoa salad with roasted veggies! My heavens it was delicious and completely hit the spot. Recipe to come.
Pasta again!!!!! Mom made spaghetti and meat sauce, and I layered spinach under the sauce cuz I love me some veggies.
I actually don't really like celery, but one day I was just feelin' celery and peanut butter. Eaten in 2nd period.
Mmm best nighttime snack. Yogurt, banana, and.....peanut butter.
Larabars make a regular appearance, all but replacing my beloved Luna Bars!
And chocolate wouldn't be complete without a cup of java. At least I don't think it would!!
So there you go darlings! Wish me luck at my meet tomorrow!!
Ahhh I hope your meet went well! I remember how nerve wrecking those were, yikes! Haha. And great job at keeping up with your wholesome eats. And btw all that pb is making me hungry...guess it's snack time for me. ;)