These past couple of weeks have been nonstop.
I am so ready to driiiiiiiiiivvee (on my own). Must. Practice.
I did get a few snapshots of some yummy eats this week!

Thanks Jenn!
Picked up this little fellow at the grocery store: red Bartlett pear. He was stirred into some (watery) overnight oats.
No pics of lunches, because all were eaten at school. :) I eat lots of wraps/salads.
Snack while doing school work:
I originally thought the Larabar I picked up was Cappuccino, therefore super excited, but this lil guy was super yummy! Like a Reese's.
I've discussed not needing caffeine at 4 pm, but researching the history of US Standard of Living requires some java, dangit.
Stir-fry and delizioso spaghetti my mama made. Plus water: so much water. I need 10-12 cups of water to actually feel quenched and refreshed during the day.
Lastly, the usual evening snack of:
Oh! Before I forget, my new obsession:
Must retrieve more!
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