(Lots of love to Jenn for hosting!)
Warming temperatures are just another excuse for me to eat more overnight oats. I promise you, I did make breakfasts other than oats this week, but I never got out my camera for the french toast I made and I was missing an important ingredients in my "pancakes" I made earlier this week...overnight oats it is.
Overnight oats with pear, nutmeg, cinnamon, and sunflower butter. Side of coffee to wake me up!
Lunches were definitely highlighting all the light, fresh summery ingredients!! Light, but enough to fill me up.
Tortilla "pizza." Tomato paste, smashed white beans with salt, pepper, and garlic powder, topped with tomato slices, drizzled with EVOO, baked at 350 for about 15 minutes.
And a mound of blueberries and watermelon as a side. :)
Monday, Mom didn't know what to make for dinner, so Rebekah and I suggesting getting some tilapia for fish tacos! I think yes.
I seasoned it with Whole Foods Tequila-Lime seasoning along with red pepper, pan seared it, and served it on a whole wheat tortilla topped with store-bought pineapple salsa and bell pepper slices. SO GOOD.
Tuesday was reeaalllyy nice, so we headed out to the pool for a couple of hours. After getting home, Mom made us a really good summer BBQ dinner.
Baked beans flavored with bacon (!!) and green bell peppers.
Potato salad.
Pasta salad.
Regular salad! My only contribution to dinner besides setting the table. :)
I got no close-up picture of it, but there was grilled barbecue chicken. Barbecue is possibly my favorite Southern flavor of all time!
I did have snacks to fuel me throughout the day, but sadly, no pictures made it onto my camera. A few were the Strawberry Crumble Bars, bowls of cereal and milk, peanut butter and banana, and a newly discovered Chocolate Brownie Pure Bar that I loved!
Have a wonderful Wednesday!
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