Saturday, May 25, 2013

Like a Kid in a Candy Store

Hello, friends!

Summer is finally, finally here. AP test, done. Study sessions, done. Mega-stressed-out-late-night-homework, done. 


So much to do, so much to see! ;) Okay, that's a little exaggerated, but there are some seriously awesome things I'm looking forward to over the summer. One of them being actually wearing shorts and short sleeves. 

In all seriousness, my sophomore year was probably one of my best years since elementary school. Middle school was a bust, freshman year I was just getting back on my feet, but I truly feel like I've blossomed as a sophomore. I feel like I've grown mentally and emotionally,and I am just truly truly blessed. I'm getting kind of emotional thinking about it!

So far this summer has proven to be really busy for me and the fam, including getting back into the running mojo (woo, new post topic!), running errands, and yummy yummy recipes. A blog post of mine wouldn't be complete without some comida, right?

We can start off my official summer posts with a mini-recap of my very first trip to Trader Joe's! I was impressed with some of the deals and Mom and I probably looked like dorks ooh-ing and ah-ing over all the cool products! Typical.

The funny thing is whenever Mom and I take trips to Whole Foods or some sort of specialty store, we have the mindset of going in and buying completely different/unique stuff, but end up with either staple items that we love or something we always get! 

But having never been to TJ's before, I'd say this is all new stuff. ;) Jessica in a Trader Joe's = kid in a candy store. 

Here's a roundup of our purchases:

TJs brand Greek yogurt + almond milk (organic)

 Honey Nut O's, graham crackers, and cat cookies (as if we could resist)

Tomato basil hummus, baby carrots, sundried tomatoes

Frozen berries, frozen mangoes, bag of organic pears that I freaked out over

Baaarrzz, cacao powder (great deal), chocolate wheel that I also freaked out over

Honey-roasted almonds, plantain chips (Mom's), sunflower seed butter (!!)

Bulgur, tortillas, and spaghetti

Most of these were quite the treat and lots of stuff I picked out specifically for some recipes I'll be making later this week. Excitement!

~SuMmEr Is UpOn Us~

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