Monday, September 23, 2013

The Perfect Day

Happy second day of fall!! <3 Boots! Sweaters! Football! Leaves! Chilly RuNs! COFFEE!

I'm gonna be a hipster and say that I loved fall way before the pumpkin craze started taking storm. I can't get off the internet without wanting to bake any and everything pumpkin, and down a pumpkin latte as quickly as the temperature permits me. Emma and Elsie's "pumpkin spice latte effect"? Totally true.

 (I haven't even had any pumpkin yet - this is practically blasphemy in the HLB world, peeps - BUT I do have a can waiting to be opened in my pantry...mwa ha ha.) 

I had a truly wonderful weekend - rainy Saturday was spent relaxing and spending time with the sis, and Sunday was really what I would consider a perfect day - and of course the first day of fall!

.......I gave myself permission to wear my first "official" fall outfit - simply meaning the addition of a scarf. :) When I pull out my boots, I mean real business!

Excuse the unnatural lighting...I'm not actually yellow. Need. iPhone.

.....Reibs and I got to teach the preschool class at church with these crazy kiddos. 

And by crazy, I mean crazy.

....the weather was incredible!! Zero humidity, blue sky with fluffy cotton ball clouds, slight breeze - it was truly picturesque. Almost nothing makes me happier than beautiful day!

....and of course I had to take advantage of the weather and go for a run. Nice and easy so I could soak in the sun and enjoy the scenery, of course! 

.....I had only planned on about 3/3.5ish miles, but I ended up feeling great by the 3 mile mark, so I just kept running along. I was on a total runner's high - I ended up with an extra mile covered! 

....I found one of my favorite Clif Bar flavors hiding in the fridge (I like them chilled, no judgey please...)! And it's a perfect post-workout snack.


.....I found this in my cabinet, unopened. You guys, I can't quit thinking about how a-freaking-mazing this will be on top of hot pumpkin oats. MAH LORD.

....I got a little creative with dinner for once, and it was even easier than Cait's version that inspired my dish.

.....Reibs baked the most freaking. delicious. batch of cookies of all time. Pumpkin Spice Cookies - they're a soft, cake-like texture with cream cheese frosting. I die.

....I did a little {vegan} baking myself. I have lots of recipes coming, clearly!

Aaanndd the rest of the night was spent watching AFV with the fam, running lines circles sprints - practicing play lines with Reibs, catching up on blogs, and reading. 

'Twas a perfect day indeed! 

P.S...I'm thinking of cutting my hair! I really like just at the shoulders, and have been looking at about this length. What do you think???

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